Revolutionizing Wildfire Response for Emergency Management

FIRE-1 is purpose-built to assist with wildfire emergency management and comes with advanced features for targeted prevention, crisis response optimization, and strategic fire mitigation.

Powerful Outputs with Granular and Robust Data

When wildfires break out, swiftly determining the potential impact to life and infrastructure is crucial. FIRE-1 rapidly determines, from the point of ignition, the fire perimeter progression, major paths and impact areas vulnerable to the approaching wildfire.
Fire 1-1
Fire 1-2

Designed and Created Specifically for Emergency Managers

FIRE-1 empowers Emergency Managers to make informed decisions and protect communities more effectively with quantifiable metrics. FIRE-1 enhances the expertise of EMs by using AI as a force multiplier to simulate multiple scenarios in emergency situations and use predictive modeling across the emergency management cycle.

Best-In-Class Speed and Usability

Get results in 5 to 15 seconds and run an unlimited number of “what if” scenarios. With an intuitive user interface, quickly get the information needed for operational decision-making on how to respond, where to allocate resources, and the ability to protect key infrastructure and resources.
Fire 1-3

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